Children Law

Contact and Residence (Child Arrangements Orders)

Corrinne is a recognised specialist in this area of law being a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel and a member of the Association of Lawyers for Children.


Whenever there is a breakdown in family relations, most parents wish to protect their children from its effects in order to minimise any distress to them. The law recognises that the welfare of any children of the family is paramount when decisions are made concerning their future arrangements (“the Welfare principle”).


We can advise you in relation to the arrangements for your children and help you to ensure the Welfare principle is met.

If the arrangements can be agreed amicably, then so much the better but sadly, this isn’t always possible in every case. Where it is necessary to bring Court proceedings, we are there to guide and support you through the process every step of the way to ensure the Court has all relevant information and appropriate evidence to make the right decision for the children. This may include applying for Child Arrangements Orders.


What is a Child Arrangements Order?


A Child Arrangements Order is a Court order obtained from the Court which deals with some aspect of the arrangements for the children.


An example is Contact with the children for one or both parents (natural, step or adoptive), grandparents, guardians, siblings etc.


A further example is Residence of the children i.e. the Court decides where and with whom the children will reside.


Specific Issues / Prohibited Steps Order


If there are any issues relating to the children upon which you cannot agree and which need to be resolved such as:-

  • Taking your child on holiday
  • Issues in respect of a child’s education / religious upbringing
  • Concerns about medical treatment
  • Changing of a child’s surname

Or :-

  • The threat of your child being relocated to another part of the country
  • Your child associating with a particular person
  • Your child’s surname being changed or threat of being changed
  • Concerns about the other parent inappropriately attending at a child’s school

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your legal requirements.